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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I am totally disturbed today.
No I am very frustrated..
and frustrated with the fact that people tend to corner a person when he shows an amount that is slightly higher than the average patience levels.
I keep saying to myself " My patience is not my lenience"
waah.. very filmy..
hahaha.. this is a platform for me to vent my feelings.
Yes it is!!
Trivial issues are being put across as the most disturbing things in life.
It disturbs me more when I am not even connected to it.
Am I making sense in this post?
I dont know..
But I feel good typing shit in this..

Life teaches you lessons in a hard way.
I started learning only at 23.
Its hard for me.
I am undergoing a crash course to face what I missed out in a brief time.
And the route is bumpy..
And when it becomes tough to retain balance, something within
shouts to stop being polite..
But, failing miserably at each step only shows my lack of resilience, wit, endurance etc.

It should change..
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